Professional Activities of Man-Wai Mak
Invited Talks
- Deep
Learning-Based Spoken Language Processing for
Biomedical Applications", National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, Nov. 2023.
- "Supervised
and Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Speaker
Verification Across Languages", IEEE
Workshop on Deep Learning, Hong Kong, April
- "Advanced
Pooling Methods for Robust Speaker Verification",
The Symposium on Speaker Recognition Research and
Application (SRRW2022), Xinjiang, Nov. 2022. Video
- "Spoken
Language Biomarkers for Dementia Detection", International
Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and
Assistive Technology (i-CREATe 2022), Hong Kong,
Aug. 2022.
- "Deep
Learning for Speaker Recognition", IEEE
Workshop on Deep Learning, Hong Kong, March.
2021. Video
- "Towards
Domain-Invariant Speaker Embedding", Personalized
Voice Trigger Challenge 2020, a satellite
event of the 12th International Symposium on Chinese
Language Processing (ISCSLP 2021), Jan. 2021.
- "Robust
Speaker Verification: From Speaker Embeddings To
End-To-End Models", Speech and Audio Signal
Processing Workshop, Moscow Huawei Research
Center, Moscow, 2 Nov 2020.
- "PolyU's
Faculty of Engineering and Career in EIE", United
Christian College (Kowloon East), 6 July 2020.
- "Domain-Invariant
Speaker Embedding for Robust Speaker Recognition",
Huawei Media Engineering Department, China, 9
April 2020. Video
Presentation Part 1 Video
Presentation Part 2
- "Deep
Learning and Its Applications to Speaker
Verification and ECG Classification", Northeastern
University, China, 6 June 2019.
- "Deep
Learning and Deep Neural Networks", Northeastern
University, China, 5 June 2019.
- "Factor
Analysis and I-Vectors", Northeastern
University, China, 4 June 2019.
- "Deep
Learning and Its Applications in Machine Perception",
The Institution of Engineering and Technology, ICT
Conference 2019, Hong Kong, 11 Apr 2019
- "Representation
Learning for ECG and Speaker Recognition", Technological
Institute of
Thessaloniki, Greece, 18 Dec 2018.
- "Deep
Learning for Speech and ECG Classification", SYSU
- AI/Big Data/Engineering in Medical Applications, Sun
Yat Sen University, China, 22 June 2018.
- "Deep
Learning: Concepts, Tools, and Applications", IEEE
Hong Kong Section, Robotics and Automation/Control
Systems Joint Chapter, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 16 March 2018.
- "How
and Why AI will Revolutionize our Everyday Life",
District-based STEM Lecture, Caritas Fanling
Chan Chun Ha Secondary School, 9 Feb. 2018.
- "Machine
Learning for Speaker Recognition and Bioinformatics",
UTS/PolyU Workshop, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, 24 Oct. 2017
- "Deep
Learning and Its Applications", AI Lecture,
IEEE China YP/WIE/SB Congress, Shenzhen
University, 5 Aug. 2017.
- "Deep
Learning: Theories, Applications and Tools", Workshop,
Dept. of EIE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong, 28 June 2017.
Learning for Speaker Recognition", Tutorial,
Interspeech'16, San Fancisco, 8 Sept.
Verification under the Big Data Environment",
Invitation to Innovative Technology Series, Hong
Kong Science and Technology Parks, Hong Kong,
Jan. 2016. Video: Part 1 Part 2
PLDA Modeling for Robust Speaker Verification",
SYSU-CMU-Joint Research Institute, China,
Dec. 2015
Learning and Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition",
Workshop on Advanced Materials and Technologies,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dec. 2015
and Mixture of PLDA for Robust Speaker
Verification,” National Chiao Tung University,
Taiwan, July 2014. “Utterance Partitioning for
GMM-SVM Speaker Verification,” JAIST, Japan, Nov
“Utterance Partitioning for GMM-SVM Speaker
Verification,” Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan,
Dec 2011. "Machine Learning for Computational
Biology", National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan,
Jan 2008.
"Supervised Feature Selection for Genomic
Applications", Feng Chia University, Taiwan, Jan
Conference Organization and
Others Activities
- Member, APAS Advisory Commitee, 2023-2025
- Member, Program Committee, APSIPA 2023
- Member, Program Committee, Odyssey 2022
- Member of Assessment Panel, Innovation and
Technology Fund (ITF) - Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS),
2021 – 2022.
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
ASRU 2021
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Admission Panel of the Technology Business
Incubation, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks
Corporation (HKSTP), 2019 - 2021
- Tutorial Co-Chair, Interspeech 2020
- Member, Scientific Committee, Odyssey 2020
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
AI for Industries (ai4i 2020)
- Technical Program Co-Chair, ISCSLP'2020
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
ASRU 2019
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
Interspeech 2019
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence 2019 (ICTAI 2019)
- Technical Program Co-Chair, ISCSLP'18
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing 2018
(IEEE MLSP 2018)
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence 2018 (ICTAI 2018)
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence 2017 (ICTAI 2017)
- Area Chair, IEEE International Conference
on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2016 (ICTAI 2016)
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
- Publicity Co-Chair, ISCSLP'16
- Registration Co-Chair, APSIPA'15
- Member of Steering Committee (2015-2018),
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
- Area Chair, Interspeech 2014.
- Judge, iCity My Dream App
Competition 2013.
- Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE
International Conference on Signal Processing,
Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2013)
- Judge, Student Conference 2013 on the
sub-theme “Innovations in Information Technology” for
Gifted Students, Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education.
- Vice Chair, International Symposium on
Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP’12), 2012
- Member, Technical Program Committee,
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICMLC
- Technical Program Committee Member, 2012
IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing,
Communications and Computing (ICSPCC2012)
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE
Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for
Engineering, 2012 (TALE'2012)
- Technical Program Committee Member, COLING
2012 International Conference on Computational
- Technical Program Committee Member, Fifth
International Workshop on Intelligent Informatics in
Biology and Medicine (IIBM 2012).
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICMLC
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE
- The 4th International Congress on Image
and Signal Processing and the 4th International
Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics,
- Fourth International Workshop on
Intelligent Informatics in Biology and Medicine (IIBM
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICMLC
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICMLC
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Committee Member, IEEE
Computation Intelligence Society, Intelligent Systems
Applications, 2008-present.
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICMLC
- Technical Committee Member, Machine
Learning for Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing
Society, 2005-2007.
- Technical Program Committee Member, 2007
Int. Sym. on Intelligent Signal Processing (ISPACS'2007)
- Track Co-Chair, Pacific Conference on
Multimedia (PCM'07)
- Technical Program Committee Member, IEEE
7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics &
Bioengineering (IEEE BIBE 2007)
- Technical Program Member, 2007 IEEE
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICMLC
- Technical Program Committee Member, 2007
IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Image
and Signal Processing
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Committee Member,
- Technical Program Member, 2005 IEEE
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
- Technical Program Member, 2006 IEEE
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
- Technical Program Member, ICONIP’06
- Technical Program Member, ICONIP’04
- Organizer and Speaker, Workshop on
Microarray Bioinformatics, 2005.
- Chairman, Bioinformatics Workshop (in
ICONIP'06), 2006.
- Organizing Committee Chair, ICONIP’06
- Chairman, IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer
Chapter, 2004.
- Treasurer, IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer
Chapter, since 2002.
- Secretary, IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer
Chapter, since 1998.
- Executive Committee member, IEEE Hong Kong
Section Computer Chapter, since 1995.
- Registration Chair, Int. Symposium on
Chinese Spoken Language Processing, 2004.
- Local Arrangement Chair, Int. Symposium on
Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing,
- Member of Program Committee, Int. Conf. on
Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), 2004.
- External Examiner for the Master of
Engineering in Telecommunications, Multimedia
University, Malaysia, 2004.
- Registration Chair, Int. Symposium on
Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing,
- Secretary, Joint 1997 Asia Pacific
Software Engineering Conference and International
Computer Science Conference, December 1997.
- Chairman, Colloquium on Software
Engineering Practice, 5 December 1997, Hong Kong.
- Secretary, International Computer Science
Congress 1999.
- Reviewer of
- Journal of Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
- HKSAR CERG Proposals
- IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks
- Neural Processing Letters
- Journal of Advanced Computational
- Neural Computing and Applications
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- Journal of Applied Signal Processing
- IEEE Trans. on SMC
- Neurocomputing
- Neural Processing Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Circuit and Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio
- Information Fusion
- Speech Communication
- Soft Computing
- International Journal of Computational
Intelligence Research
- ETRI Journal
- Pattern Analysis & Applications
- International Journal of Systems Science
- IET Signal Processing
- Journal of Far East Journal of
Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
- IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data
- IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech and
Language Processing
- Information Science
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding
- Pattern Recognition Letters
- Connection Science
- International Journal of Data Mining in
- Protein & Peptide Letters
- Computer Speech and Language
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems
and Technology
- BBA - Proteins and Proteomics
- Journal of Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology
- IEEE Trans. on Multimedia
- Analytical Biochemistry
- BMC Bioinformatics
- IEEE Trans. on Nanobioscience
- Computers in Biology and Medicine
- Molecular BioSystems
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2016
- Scientific Reports, 2016
- Integrative Biology, 2017
- Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2017, 2019
- Computational Intelligence and
Neuroscience, 2017
- Biochimie, 2017
- Bioengineered, 2017
- APSIPA Transactions on Signal and
Information Processing, 2018
- Bioinformatics, 2018
- Journal of Machine Learning Research,
- IEEE Access, 2018, 2019
- Journal of Acoustical Society of
America, 2019
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health
Informatics, since 2016
- Expert Systems, 2019
- Applied Sciences, 2019
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
- IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and
Systems, 2020
- Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 2021
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems II: Express Briefs, 2020
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems, since 2020
- IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in
Medicine and Biology, 2020
- Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, 2021
- IEEE Transactions on Artificial
Intelligence, 2021
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and
Measurement, 2022
- Pattern Recognition, 2016-2022
- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering, 2022
- Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 2022
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
- Computer Methods in Biomechanics and
Biomedical Engineering, 2022
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
- Guest Editor of
- International Journal of Machine
Learning and Cybernetics, 2015
- Journal of Signal Processing Systems,
- Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 2008
- International Journal of Computational
Intelligence Research, 2007
- Associate Editor of
- IEEE Trans. on Speech and Language
- Journal of Signal Processing Systems
- Advances in Artificial Neural Systems
- IEEE Biometrics Compendium
- External Examiner of
- PhD Thesis, CUHK (Dept. of Systems
Engineering & Engineering Management), Hong Kong,
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Electronic
Engineering), Hong Kong, 2020
- PhD Thesis, School of Electrical &
Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, 2020
- PhD Thesis, CUHK (Dept. of Systems
Engineering & Engineering Management), Hong Kong,
- PhD Thesis, University of Eastern
Finland, Finland, 2018
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Electronic
Engineering), Hong Kong, 2017
- MPhil Thesis, HKU (Dept. of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering), Hong Kong, 2016
- PhD Thesis, CUHK (Dept. of Systems
Engineering & Engineering Management), Hong Kong,
- PhD Thesis, CUHK (Dept. of Systems
Engineering & Engineering Management), Hong Kong,
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Electronic
Engineering), Hong Kong, 2016
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Electronic
Engineering), Hong Kong, 2015
- Master Theses, National Jiaotong
University, Taiwan, 2014
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Electronic
Engineering), Hong Kong, 2013
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Computer
Science), Hong Kong, 2012
- PhD Thesis, CityU (Dept. of Electronic
Engineering.), Hong Kong, 2012
- PhD Thesis, HKU (Dept. of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering), Hong Kong, 2012
- PhD Thesis, CUHK, Hong Kong, 2011
- MPhil Thesis, CityU, Hong Kong, July,
- MPhil Thesis, HKU, Hong Kong, Nov. 2011
- MPhil Thesis, HKU, Hong Kong, 2010
- MPhil Thesis, CUHK, Hong Kong
- Master Thesis, Multimedia University,
M.W. Mak's Homepage